Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Call

Opening Sean's call via iChat
Sean and Jared turned their mission papers in on Sunday September 13th. Having already sent two other sons on missions I knew it took a minimum of two week to receive their call and most likely three weeks. So when "the girls" annual California roller blading trip hit on Sept 22nd, I wasn't worried because I knew the boys wouldn't get their calls until the next week at the earliest. Imagine our surprise when the calls came on September 23rd. Both Tammy and were 800 miles away in California and Blake was in Provo! Rather than have the boys wait until the 26th when we got back, we hooked up my laptop to video chat...the boys hooked up theirs and we opened the mission calls via the internet!
Jared opened his first...he was called to Guatemala, Guatemala North, leaving on February 10, 2010. Then Sean opened his...he was called to Mexico, Mexico City West, leaving February 3, 2010! It was so exciting! Both boys were thrilled with their calls and that they would be learning Spanish. They were also glad to be leaving within a week of each other. Needless to say, Tammy and I were elated that they boys would be going at the same time. ( Secretly we were hoping they would be called to the same mission, but knew that would never really happen. So we would settle for them to be serving in neighboring countries!)
The boys had so much support from both their family and their friends which meant the world to them. It was a great day filled with lots of emotion!

Off to Mexico City

Sean, Nick and Sofie
Caitlin and Chelsea

Happy Family...I think

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