Dear fam,
Well, this has been a different week. I mean I am really happy for how much we have worked. Can I just tell you guys that my comp is probably the hardest and most humble worker! It is seriously so cool to be working with him. I am learning so much from him. Really Elder Wagstaff is an amazing missionary and is teaching me soooo much and will continue to do so. He just has a great sense of humor about everthing and just loves the mission. He never is down which is super nice and he really pushes me. Its great! Plus we got talking and we found out that he also has a Honda trail 110 hahaha and he knew exactly what the Honda 90 was. It was sweet so we decided that we are going to go riding after the mission haha. It will awesome. He is such a great guy. I look at him and realize that he really is trying to be a exact representative of Christ. It's soo cool and I am super excited for this change! :D
I am in the zone Camarones, which means shrimp in Spanish. My area is Tacuba and WOW can I tell you how many people live here! IT'S NUTS! Seriously, we always find new apartment buildings to knock and there is sooo much food and so many vendors in the street. It's really crazy. I love it though. We are also inside the heart of the city and we use the subway a lot does it get stuffed! It's just a fun place, but because there are more people, it can be more dangerous. Don't worry mom! Nothing has happened but it is a scarier place than others... but PERFECT for missionary work!! We just found 20 new people last week and I have never found that many people in one week. Seriously, it is so cool and Wagstaff is just pushing me all over, which is a great thing!! I realize that I need to be more humble and work a lot more. I think I have gotten lazier over the last couple of months and luckly... thanks to Wagstaff, I am getting back on track. I love it! The church here is small and different... but its good. Hopefully they can build a bigger church because,if all the members were active there would be 800 people going to church every sunday!! haha! But instead there are like 120 people that are active (or maybe less)... so we've got a lot of work to do!!! :) Me and Wags try to speak Spanish to each other but you know... it's just so hard when you talk about Honda 90s and stuff so we just speak English. Of course when we work and plan we speak spanish!!
Things are great here. I have to say, I really love personal study. On Sunday, I just finished the book of mormon again. That book is amazing! I always tell people that I love this book! It is a lot easier to understand and it has a great story. I love it! I know it is the word of God. There is no way it can't be!!! And then hearing about all of the evidence about it that is here in Mexico makes it even more awesome! But you just can't get a true testimony of it unless you read it and pray about it. It's true! I know it and I will continue studying it after my mission. Now I am reading the New Testament. I am super excited. I have never read that from cover to cover so I am doing that now and I should finish it before the mission. I am also reading Jesus the Christ too. It's so cool!
I love you guys and will see you all soon! Time is going by ridiculously fast! I love you! Bye
Elder Sean Larson
Week 104 - My Last Letter
13 years ago
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